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General Conditions of Sale of Bilberry sp. z o.o.

Edycja nr 3 z dnia 05.10.2020 r.

I. Definicje

Bilberry – Bilberry spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Łodzi.

Nabywca – osoba fizyczna, prawna oraz jednostka organizacyjna nieposiadająca osobowości prawnej, z którą Bilberry zawarł lub zamierza zawrzeć Umowę.

Strona internetowa – strona internetowa Bilberry pod adresem

OWS – niniejsze Ogólne Warunki Sprzedaży Bilberry.

Siła wyższa – zdarzenia zewnętrzne, nieuchronne, nadzwyczajne, niemożliwe do przewidzenia, w tym klęski żywiołowe (powódź, trzęsienie ziemi, wyładowania
atmosferyczne, burza o ogromnej sile, huragan, obfite opady śniegu), akty władzy, strajki, działania wojenne, rozruchy, rebelie, wojny domowe, akty piractwa, akty władzy publicznej uniemożliwiające realizację umowy dot. epidemii, pandemii w tym w szczególności lockout.

Ogólne Warunki Gwarancji – warunki gwarancji dla przedmiotu Umowy, zamieszczone na Stronie internetowej oraz przekazywane Nabywcy.

Umowa – umowa zawarta między Bilberry, a Nabywcą.

II. Postanowienia ogólne

1. Niniejsze Ogólne Warunki Sprzedaży stanowią integralną część umów zawieranych pomiędzy Bilberry, a Nabywcą. OWS stosuje się w całości również do umów dostawy oraz umów o świadczenie usług, realizowanych przez Bilberry na rzecz Nabywcy.
2. Jeżeli postanowienia OWS są sprzeczne z postanowieniami Umowy, to moc nadrzędną ma tekst Umowy.
3. Całość świadczeń wykonywanych przez Bilberry podlega poniższym warunkom, które stanowią nierozłączną część wszystkich umów, pomiędzy Nabywcą, a Bilberry. Wszelkie dodatkowe lub rozbieżne ustalenia zawarte w dowolnym dokumencie wystawionym przez Nabywcę nie mają mocy wiążącej, chyba że zostaną zaakceptowane przez Bilberry w formie pisemnej pod rygorem nieważności.
4. OWS wiążą Nabywcę od momentu:
    1. podpisania przez niego Umowy, albo
    2. złożenia przez niego pisemnego zamówienia zaakceptowanego przez Bilberry.
5. Aktualna edycja Ogólnych Warunków Sprzedaży Bilberry znajduje się na stronie internetowej pod adresem:
6. Bilberry and the Buyer are hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties.

III. Orders and Agreement

By the Agreement, the Parties understand:
    1. Order placed by the Buyer and confirmed by Bilberry ,
    2. An offer submitted by Bilberry and accepted by the Buyer,,
    3. Agreement signed by both parties.
2. Orders may be placed by the Buyer in writing, by phone or via e-mail, sent to the address indicated on the website.
3. The order placed by the Buyer shall not be binding on Bilberry until the advance payment is made. The advance payment is 50% of the gross amount (23% VAT) of the order.
4. Any changes and proposals of the Buyer contained in the order document, which differ from those specified in these GTCS, shall not be binding on Bilberry , unless they have been accepted and confirmed by Bilberry in writing or via e-mail.
5. Orders placed, which will not be accepted for execution, do not constitute the basis for any financial claims against Bilberry . Bilberry ‘s failure to respond to the order placed by the Buyer may not be considered as acceptance of the order for execution. Each time the scope of the Order is specified in the Agreement concluded between the Parties. In the event of discrepancies between the content of the Agreement and the GTCS, the provisions of the Agreement shall apply.

IV. Documentation Rights

1. Information regarding Bilberry’s products , contained in offer documents, letters, catalogs, brochures and other documents that are used by Bilberry in its business activities, as well as posted on the website, is indicative and approximate, except as expressly stated, that the data is categorical. The discrepancy between the data provided in public materials and the actual state is acceptable, and Bilberry makes every effort to ensure that it does not exceed 5%.
2. Documentation delivered together with the product does not transfer any intellectual property rights owned by Bilberry to the Purchaser.
3. The remaining documents forming part of the offer remain the property of Bilberry and must be returned, together with all copies thereof, upon express request.
4. If Bilberry prepares technical documentation that has been made available to the Buyer, the Buyer is obliged to properly protect it against unauthorized access by third parties, as well as refrain from disclosing it to any third party.

V. Pricing

1. The prices included in the offers and contracts, including the Agreement, are given in Polish zlotys, except where the Buyer and Bilberry agree otherwise.
2.Taxes and other public law obligations related to the performance of the Agreement shall be borne by the Buyer in accordance with applicable regulations.

VI. Responsibility for unforeseen events

1. Bilberry shall not be liable to the Buyer for events caused by the actions or omissions of Bilberry’s suppliers , the participation of which is necessary for the performance of the subject of the Agreement. In such a case, Bilberry shall inform the Buyer about the impossibility of fulfilling the order in accordance with the Agreement or about postponing the order completion date. If it is not possible to fulfill the order, Bilberry is released from liability to the Buyer, and the Buyer is not obliged to perform a financial obligation to Bilberry .
2. Neither party is liable for any delay or failure to perform the contract to the extent that it was caused by force majeure.
3. In the event that the event resulting from force majeure lasts longer than 14 days, Bilberry is entitled to terminate the contract in full or withdraw from its performance in the unperformed part. In this case, Bilberry is released from liability to the Buyer, and the Buyer is not obliged to fulfill a financial obligation to Bilberry .

VII. Delivery costs and insurance of the subject of the contract

1. The subject of the Agreement is delivered to the address indicated by the Buyer.
2. The subject of the Agreement is delivered to the Buyer through a forwarder, at the request of Bilberry or the Buyer, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement or the offer. Bilberry can deliver the order without the participation of the forwarder, while the cost of delivery is paid by the Buyer.
3. The costs of delivery of the subject of the Agreement are covered by the Buyer on the basis of the forwarding calculation presented to the Buyer by Bilberry in the offer.
4. In the event that the Purchaser wants to collect the subject of the Agreement from the Bilberry warehouse , the Purchaser undertakes to collect the order within the time specified in the Agreement. In the event of delay in the collection of the subject of the Agreement, Bilberry is entitled to charge the Buyer a contractual penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the gross value of the subject of the Agreement for each day of delay
in collection in the period from 8 to 14 days of delay, and in the period from the 16th day of delay to the date of receipt. – a contractual penalty of 1% for each day of delay. The maximum amount of the penalty is 50% of the contract value.
5. If the subject of the Agreement is delivered by the carrier, the Buyer is obliged to inspect the shipment at the carrier in order to determine whether there has been a loss or damage during the transport and to perform all actions necessary to determine the liability of the carrier.

VIII. Delivery times

1. he order completion date is each time specified by Bilberry in the Agreement. In the absence of a deadline for completion, the order is made by Bilberry immediately.
2. The order fulfillment period begins when Bilberry confirms it (receipt of the advance payment), unless Bilberry has indicated a different starting time for the period.
3. Bilberry makes every effort to ensure the shortest possible delivery times.
4. In exceptional situations, the Buyer is entitled to a qualitative or quantitative change of the subject of the order, not later, however, than within 7 days from its confirmation by Bilberry . Then the Buyer is obliged to notify Bilberry about this fact in the manner appropriate to the conclusion of the Agreement. If the change of the order is possible in terms of technology, Bilberry will set a new date of order fulfillment and indicate the amount of costs related to the change of the subject of the order. Changes to the order may be introduced after Bilberry accepts the changes .
5. The terms of the contract or delivery may change in the event of force majeure.
6. In the event that the Purchaser fails to collect the subject of the contract from the forwarder, Bilberry is entitled to re-transfer the subject of the contract for transport, but only at the cost and risk of the Purchaser, subject to point 7.
7. If the Buyer refuses to accept the subject of the contract, despite the compliance of the subject of the contract with the Contract, Bilberry reserves the right to withdraw from the Contract and charge the Buyer with a contractual penalty in the amount corresponding to the price of the subject of the contract plus transport costs.

IX. Payment

1. The sales invoice issued by Bilberry to the Buyer includes in particular the subject of the Agreement and the price of the subject of the Agreement, increased by the amount of taxes
calculated on the basis of the provisions in force on the date of issue of the invoice, as well as possible delivery costs. VAT invoices may be issued without the Buyer’s signature.
2. The payment date is specified in the terms of the Agreement. Payments should be made
to the bank account indicated on the sales document.
3. Bilberry may establish payment terms for the Buyer according to which full or partial payment in advance is required on a down payment or advance basis.
4. If the Buyer fails to meet its financial obligations towards Bilberry on time , Bilberry is entitled to suspend the performance of the order.
5. The date of payment is the date when the amount due is credited to Bilberry’s bank account .

X. Warranty

1. The warranty conditions for the subject of the contract are specified in the General Warranty Conditions.

XI. Violations

1. In the event of a gross breach by the Buyer of the provisions of the Agreement, including the GCS, Bilberry is entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect or withdraw from it. These declarations must be made in writing.
2. At the same time, in the event of a breach of any provision of the Agreement, Bilberry is entitled to claim damages from the Purchaser.
3. If the Buyer withdraws from the contract after the date of signing the contract, he is obliged to pay Bilberry a contractual penalty in the amount of 50% of the price.

XII. Confidentiality

1. All technical, commercial and financial information disclosed by Bilberry to the Purchaser is confidential. The buyer is obliged not to disclose the information to third parties referred to in this point.

XIII. Final Provisions

1. In the event that a competent court decides that any of the provisions contained in these GTS is invalid or ineffective, the remaining provisions shall remain effective.
2. In matters not regulated in the Agreement and these GTS, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.